Media & Events (Japanese)
"Kokudo no 'Daisoji' ~ Chihotoshi ha dento aru biteki keikan wo ikashi, toukyou ha kiseikanwa de saisei wo mezase ~", 「国土の『大掃除』〜地方都市は伝統ある美的景観をいかし、東京は規制緩和で再生をめざせ〜」, "'The great clean up of the land ~ Regional towns should capitalize on their traditional beautiful scenery, and Tokyo should revitalize through relaxing regulations", Kokkaito no Iten Magazine, 「国会等の移転」誌 2009 Jun Record of an interview done on Jan 23, 2009, for Kokkaito no Iten ("Moving the Capital"), a magazine published by the Ministry of Land and Transport 国土交通省 国土計画局 首都機能移転企画課, concerning the merits of moving the Diet and other governmental functions out of Tokyo by building a new capital elsewhere. I argued that a better way to spend money would be to improve existing cities.
JCER (Japan Center for Economic Research), "International Symposium: Aiming to establish Japan as a tourist destination" 2007 Dec 11 JCER(日本経済研究センター会報)誌、2007年10月19日日本経済新聞主催、「国際シンポ ジウム:観光立国日本を目指すために」。パネリスト:アレックス・カー、船山龍二JTB会長、白幡洋 三郎国際日本文化研究センター教授、 小島明日本経済研究センター会長 Report on a symposium hosted by the Nikkei Shimbun Newspaper on Oct 19, 2007. Panelists: Alex Kerr, Funayama Ryuji (Chairman of JTB), Shirahata Yozaburo (Professor at International Research Center for Japanese Culture), Kojima Akira (Chairman of JCER)
Nikkei BP, "Real Japanese" 2007 Dec 『本物の日本人』 日経BP社 清野由美著、藤森武(写真) Book about Japanese personalities, including one article about Alex Kerr: my life in Japan since coming in 1964, art collecting, Chiiori in Iya Valley (Shikoku), IORI machiya, etc. By Kiyono Yumi, photos by Fujimori Takeshi
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, "Japan's original scenery, Shikoku where dwells human feeling" 2006 Aug 5 日本の原風景、人情が宿る四国 Article about symposium sponsored by Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper: "Shikoku's dream 21st century – a journey of heart and nature" 四国観光シンポジウム「夢四国21世紀—心と自然回帰の旅」で基調講演, in Tokyo July 14. Other speakers were: Chairman of JTB Funayama Ryuji, JTB 会長; President of Shizuoka Bunka Geijutsu University Kimura Shozaburo, 静岡文化芸術大学学長 木村尚三郎; Editor of Tabi no Techo magazine Naomi Nakamura. 「旅の手帳」編集長 中村直美
The Travel News, article on the old pilgrimage road in Kumano, 2006 Jul 25 エコツーリズムの可能性、今後の旅と地域社会 "Eco-tourism potential, Future travel and local society", symposium in Kumano-city held on July 16
Asahi Shimbun, "Tomo no ura ha minato" 2006 May 1 「鞆の売りは港」力説。アレックス・カーさんら現地視察 "Tomonoura ha minato" rikisetsu, Alex Kerr sanra genchi Shisatsu Article about my inspection visit with Yano Kazuyuki to Tomonoura, Japan's last intact Edo period seaport on the Inland Sea (Hiroshima Prefecture)
Newsweek Japan, 2006 Feb 23 日本的とは何か Nihonteki to ha nanika "Turning un-Japanese" An article about modern Japanese culture, quoting from Alex at the end
Asahi Shimbun, 2006 Feb 22 「人」アレックス・カー Hito: Alex Kerr Interview article about activities saving machiya in Kyoto
Comments by PM Koizumi on the Foreigners Tourism Committee, 2006 Feb 16 The PM writes about his experience with the Committee in his mail-magazine
Foreigners Tourism Committee meets with PM Koizumi, 2006 Feb 9 Three photos: Alex, Koizumi, Abe, Kitagawa; Foreign Committee Members; Meeting of Committee
Website of Land and Transport Ministry 国土交通省, 2006 Feb 8 Outline of purposes of Foreign Tourism Committee, on the website of the Land and Transport Ministry
Mainichi Shimbun, 2005 Dec 9 『特集World: この国はどこに行こうとしているのか』 Tokushu World: Kono Kuni wa Doko ni Ikou to Shite iru no ka? Interview article about modern Japanese ad their interest in traditional landscape and culture
Nikkei Shimbun , 2005 Dec 3 『まちなみシンポジウム:理想の住まい進むパラダイムシフト』 Machinami Symposium: Risou no Sumai Susumu Paradigm Shift Panel discussion on the state of Japanese housing
Kyoto Shimbun, 2005 May 31 京町家 日本文化 体感空間に Kyo Machiya Nihon-bunka Taikan Kukan ni Article about Origin Art Program at Iori Machiya in Kyoto.
Machi wo hokoru kimochi motto, 2005 March 31 「街をもっと誇る気持ちもっと」 Take more pride in your city, Kyoto Shimbun newspaper 京都新聞 Front page interview about Kyoto and its revival
Opinion – Toki no Hito 「Opinon – 時の人 」, "Opinion – Man of the moment" , Birejji Magazine「びれっじ」誌, 2004 July Interview with Alex at his home in Tenmangu, Kameoka; disucssion of importance of preserving traditional culture and natural environment.
Ecotourism, "Is it possible to revive 'Beautiful Japan'?" 2004 Feb 25 ECOツーリズム、「"美しき日本"の再生は可能か?」 Interview by Kobayashi Tenshin 小林天心
Kyoto it! (KBS Kyoto), "Japanese no longer know Japan's true beauty" 2004 Feb Kyoto it! (KBS京都)、「日本人は本当の日本の美しさを知らない」 Interview in KBS Kyoto's town magazine
Ishihara Chiji Shisei Hoshin, 2003 Dec 2 石原知事施政方針 Ishihara chiji shisei hoshin Comments on two occasions by Ishihara Shintaro, Governor of Tokyo concerning Dogs and Demons: Once at a press conference, and the second time in his internet statement of purpose.
Ishihara Shintaro Tokyo-to Chiji Kisha Kaiken, 2003 Oct 17 石原慎太郎東京都知事記者会見 Ishihara Shintaro Tokyo-to Chiji Kisha Kaiken Press Conference by Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro, Mentioning Dogs and Demons
Kyoto Shimbun, "Ideals of Kameoka sensed in history and greenery" 2003 June 8 京都新聞、「緑と歴史感じる亀岡理想」 Article about my activities in Kameoka and Kyoto
Sekai no kanko chizu kara ochita sekinin ishiki wo mazu motsu koto, 2002 Oct 14 「世界の観光地図から落ちた責任意識をまず持つこと」 The need to be conscious and feel responsibility for Japan's having fallen off the world tourist map, Travel Journal トラベルジャーナル Interview about tourism and its problems
"Rippa na nihonjin" ga "dame na nihon" wo tsukuru, 2002 Jul 29 「『立派な日本人』が『ダメな日本』をつくる」 "Great Japanese" are creating a "Bad Japan" Inose Naoki 猪瀬直樹 and Alex Kerr, President プレジデント誌 Dialogue with journalist and reformer Inose Naoki on the eve of his selection by Prime Minister Koizumi to be on the road reform panel
Naze nihon ha konna ni ochikonde shimatta no desuka?, 2002 Jun 「なぜ日本はこんなに 落ち込んでしまったのですか?」 Why did Japan fall this far? (By Ohno Kazuki 大野和基 Playboy Japan) Article about Dogs and Demons 『犬と鬼』, Japanese edition
Boku no Kokoro ni tomoru "bi" no in'ei, 2002 Feb 「僕の心に灯る『美』の陰翳」 Shadows from the "beauty" burning in my heart Tsuhan Seikatsu magazine 通販生活 Special new year feature, showing Tenmangu and Chiiori
Watakushi no togenkyo "chiiori" nite, Suppin Tokushima, 1999 Dec 「私の桃源郷『ちいおり』にて」 At home at my Shangrila "Chiiori" Suppin Tokushima すっぴん徳島 Articles published as part of Tokushima Prefecture's "Prefectural Ambassador" campaign.
Alex Kerr san to kangaeru "kankaku" ni shitagau kofuku, 1995 Nov 「アレックス・カーさんと考える『感覚』に従う幸福」 Thinking with Alex Kerr about happiness in trusting our feelings Fujingaho magazine 婦人画報 Interview article.
Shiba Ryotaro, 1995 Jul 「アメリカからきた日本美の守り手と」 Talk with the protector of Japanese beauty who came from America Dialogue with writer and historian Shiba Ryotaro 司馬遼太郎, in his collection of nine interviews: Kokonotsu no Mondo 九つの問答, published by Asahi Bungei Bunko 朝日文芸文庫
Shirasu Masako + Alex Kerr: Honmono to ha nandaro?, 1995 Feb 「白洲正子+アレックス・カー『ほんものとは何だろう?』」 What is Real? Alex Kerr & Shirasu Masako Geijutsu Shincho 芸術新潮 Cover feature with essayist and collector Shirasu Masako
Bunjin no Gokuraku 「文人の極楽」, 1994 Aug Paradise of the Literati Esquire エスクァイアー日本版 Feature article with Hosomi Minoru, art collector and connoisseur