Media & Events (J)




Media & Events (Japanese)

"Seiji yori Kokumin koso kaware", 「政治より国民こそ変われ」"change! Japanese"日本経済新聞 2010 May 17
Article about Public works in Japan

 "Kanko rikkoku suishin~Nihon no miryoku saihakken", 「観光立国推進〜日本の魅力再発見」, Promoting Japan as tourist destination
「国土交通」誌 2010 Apr 01

Article about Japan as tourist destination

"Dento to Kakushin no Yugo", 「伝統と革新の融合」,"harmony between tradition and innovation"「NIKKEI DESIGN」誌 2010 Apr 01
Article about planning and design of machiya

"Chiiori to kyo machiya sutei" ,「篪庵と京町家ステイ」,"chiiori and kyo machiya stay" "SEVEN HILLS Premium magazine"「SEVEN HILLS Premium」誌 2010 Mar 01
Article about chiiori and machiya stay offered by Iori

"Ai towa nanika Ai wa mirukoto,mimamorukoto,sosite okorukoto", 「愛とは何か。愛は見ること、見守ること、そして怒ること」"What is love"
"Fujin Gaho magazine", 「婦人画報」誌 2010 Feb 01

Essay about Japanese culture and natural environment

 "Kyoretsu na kikikan gendoryoku" ,「強烈な危機感 原動力」, "sense of crisis and impelling force"Asahi Shimbun newspaper,朝日新聞 2010 Jan 4
Article about development in Japan

"Rito sagaseba takaranoyama", 「離島探せば宝の山」, "If you go to solitary islands, there will be valuable things" Asahi Shimbun newspaper, 朝日新聞 2010 Jan 4
Editor:Yasui Takayuki,編集委員:安井孝之
Article about restoration of old hoses in Ojika Islands

"Sekai ga chumokusuru nihon no genfukei", 「世界が注目する日本の原風景」, "Scenery in Japan watched by all the world" OUR Tokushima Tokushugou,「OUR徳島特集号」誌 2010 Jan 01
Interviewer:the prefectural gomernor of Tokushima 聞き手:徳島県知事
Interview about tourist resources in Tokushima

 "Nihonjin ni kiduitehoshii nihon", 「日本人に気づいてほしい日本」, "Japan should be notice by Japanese" OUTWARD magazine,「OUTWARD」誌 2009 Dec 01
Interviewer:Tatsuno Isami 聞き手:辰野勇
Article about message to Japan by Alex Kerr

 "Tamasaburo no Yachiyoza eno michi", 「玉三郎の八千代座への道, "Road to Yachiyoza by Tamasaburo"
Text by Alex Kerr
Essay about Tamasaburo and Yachiyoza

  "Watatsumino", 「わたつみの」アレックス・カーNHK Himekuri manyoshu magazine, 「NHK日めくり万葉集」誌 2009 Sep 01
Published transcription of a TV program done for NHK in which people chose their favorite poem from the Manyoshu (8th century poem anthology). I chose one by Nakanoohenoouzi ,中大兄皇子「わたつみの、豊旗雲に、入り日見し、今夜の月夜、清く照りこそ」

"Bijonari na hito tachi", 「ビジョナリーな人たち」, "Visionary Peoples"
R'style 5l magazine,「Rstyle 5l」誌 2009 Aug 10

Article about revival scenery in Japan

"Kyoto bunka Ajia no rutsubo to kyoto no senren", 「京都文化−アジアのるつぼと京都の洗練」"Kyoto's culture -Asian pot and refined in Kyoto" 2009 Aug 30
Article about Japanese culture

"Arekkusu Ka", 「アレックス・カー」, "Alex Kerr", Brutus Magazine, 「BRUTUS」誌 2009 Aug 15
Article in Brutus' special issue on rediscovering Japan: 「日本再発見の旅と本」

"Yononaka wo", 「世間を」, "A man's life", NHK Himekuri Manyoshu Magazine, 「NHK 日めくり万葉集」誌 2009 Aug
Published transcription of a TV program done for NHK in which people chose their favorite poem from the Manyoshu (8th century poem anthology). I chose one by Monk Sami Manzei 沙弥満誓 : 「世間を、何に喩えむ、朝開き、漕ぎ去にし船の、跡なきごとし」.  "To what shall I compare a man's life?  It's like a boat rowed away at dawn, leaving no trace."

"'Iori'ga teikyo suru machiya sutei", 「『庵』が提供する町家ステイ、外国人の目線で"京の美"守る」, "Machiya stay offered by 'Iori', preserving 'Kyoto's beauty' through the vision of a foreigner", Travel Journal Magazine, 「TRAVEL JOURNAL」誌 2009 Jul 13
Interview and text by Konomatsu Takehiko
Article about the opening of Iori's latest renovated machiya in Kyoto at Minoya-cho

"Nihon no furuie ni miserareru wake", 「〜日本の古家に魅せられるワケ」, "The reason to be fascinated by old houses", Mr Partner Magazine, 「mr partner」誌 2009 Jul
Interview about the merits of owning and living in old houses

"Bunka ni fure, yukkuri to sugosu Arekkusu-ryu dannado no susume", 「文化に触れ、ゆっくりと過ごすアレックス流旦那道のススメ」, "Slow life in touch with culture, the gentleman's way as recommended by Alex", Momentum Magazine, 「MOMENTUM」誌 2009 Jul
Text by Uji Yumiko, Photo by Ohtaka Kazuyasu
Article about the abandoned island of Nozaki with its old gothic-style church, and plans to restore old houses on neighboring Ojika island (Nagasaki Prefecture)

"Kokudo no 'Daisoji' ~ Chihotoshi ha dento aru biteki keikan wo ikashi, toukyou ha kiseikanwa de saisei wo mezase ~", 「国土の『大掃除』〜地方都市は伝統ある美的景観をいかし、東京は規制緩和で再生をめざせ〜」, "'The great clean up of the land ~ Regional towns should capitalize on their traditional beautiful scenery, and Tokyo should revitalize through relaxing regulations", Kokkaito no Iten Magazine, 「国会等の移転」誌 2009 Jun
Record of an interview done on Jan 23, 2009, for Kokkaito no Iten ("Moving the Capital"), a magazine published by the Ministry of Land and Transport 国土交通省 国土計画局 首都機能移転企画課, concerning the merits of moving the Diet and other governmental functions out of Tokyo by building a new capital elsewhere.   I argued that a better way to spend money would be to improve existing cities.

Toron: "Keishochi – Tomonoura kaihatsu", 討論:「景勝地・鞆の浦開発」, Debate: "Development of Famous scenic spot Tomonoura", Mainichi Shimbun Newspaper, 毎日新聞 2009  Feb 15
Coordinators:  Takahashi Masaki & Shigeishi Gakushi  構成:高橋昌紀、重石岳史
Two interviews with contrasting views on the plan to build a highway and bridge over the scenic harbor of Tomonoura in the town of Fukuyama (Hiroshima prefecture).  Pro:  Hada Akira, Mayor of Fukyama City 福山市長 羽田皓 , "The bridge is the first step of town revival" 「架橋は町再生の第一歩」.  Con:  Alex Kerr, "The existing scenery is itself a tourism resource" 「今の景観こそ観光資源」

"Atarashii kanko no seiki ni mukete", 「新しい観光の世紀に向けて 」, "Towards a new century of tourism", Financial Forum Magazine, 「FINANCIAL FORUM」誌  2009 Jan
Interviewer: Nakano Katsuhito 中野勝仁
Interview with Kyoto Bank's in-house magazine about new trends in tourism, including restoration of machiya in Kyoto.

"Nihon ni 'Sekaiteki rezoto wo", 「日本に"世界的リゾート"を」, "For 'world class resorts' in Japan", Voice Magazine, 「Voice」誌 2009 Jan
Interviewer: Ohno Kazumoto    取材・構成:大野和基
Wide-ranging interview about the role of Japanologists, the damage done to Japan by public works, and necessity for creating attractive resorts in order to stimulate tourism.

"Chugoku de deatta utsukushiki machi", 「中国で出会った美しき街」, "The beautiful town I found in China", NILE's NILE Magazine, 「NILE's NILE」誌 2009 Jan
Photo by Sadato Ishizuka
Interview about my travels to Lijiang 麗江 in Yunnan, China

"Kominka – Machiya Bumu", 「古民家・町家ブーム」, "Boom in machiya and old farmhouses", Casa Brutus Magazine, 「CASA BRUTUS」誌  2009 Jan
By Hiratsuka Katsura
Article about restoration of old houses in Kyoto, Iya Valley, and Ojika (Nagasaki Prefecture), with photos of Chiiori.

Kankyo essei: "Dare no tame no 'Kokyo' Jigyo ka?"  環境エッセー:「誰のための『公共』事業か?」Environmental Essay: "'Public' Works for Whom?", Sankei Shimbun Newspaper, 産經新聞 2008 Dec 28
Essay about the damage done by ill-considered public works and their impact on tourism.

"Genten wa Higashi-Iya",「原点は東祖谷」, "East Iya is my starting point", Tokushima Airando Magazine, 「徳島あいらんど」誌 2008 December 15
Interviewer: Sasai Yuki   聞き手:笹井由紀, Photographs: Arai Kenji 荒井賢治
Interview about the restoration projects going on at the thatched house Chiiori and in Iya Valley (Shikoku).

"Nihon kanko ni nani ga motomerareteiru no ka ~ gaikokujin no shiten kara", 「日本観光に何が求まれているのか~外国人の視点から」, "What do people seek in Japanese tourism? ~ from a foreign point of view", Shikeiren Magazine, 「四経連」誌 2008 Nov
Consisting of two parts. The first is a transcript of a speech I gave for the New Shikoku Creative Forum(新四国創造フォーラム), held at Imabari city 今治市 on Oct 17, 2009, sponsored by the Shikoku Economic Federation 四国経済連合会. The second part is a record of the panel discussion that followed, with Matsuyama University Economics Professor Suzuki Shigeru 松山大学経済学部教授 鈴木茂; Tokushima Bunri University Visiting Professor David Morton 徳島文理大学客員教授 ディビット・モートン; Imabari Meitoku Polytechnic Lecturer Wang Mingjiong 今治明徳短期大学職員 王明炯; and Head of Takamatsu Branch of Asia Airlines Ri Mingzhu アシアナ航空高松支店長 李明洙 .

"Gaikokujin kara mita nihon", 「外国人から見た日本 」, "Japan seen by a foreigner", Kokusai Bunka Kenshu Magazine, 「国際文化研修」誌 2008 Oct 15
Interview with JIAM's (Japan Intercultural Academy of Municipalities 全国市町村国際文化研修所) in-house magazine about my activities working to preserve and develop old towns and scenery, beginning with Iya Valley in the 1970s.

"Ningen Hakken – Yomigaere Utsukushiki Nihon", 5 part interview series「人間発見 よみがえる美しき日本」5回連載インタビュー, "Human Discovery, 'Revive! Beautiful Japan", Nihon Keizai Shimbun Newspaper, 日本経済新聞 2008 Oct 6~10
Interviewer: Editor Kunugi Makoto    聞き手:栩木誠編集委員
Five part interview series about activites in Kyoto, Iya Valley (Shikoku), and Ojika Island (Nagasaki Pref).

"Sekai kakuchi kara gaikokujin ga atsumaru kominka" 「世界各地から外国人が集まる古民家」, "Old farmhous where foreigners from all parts of the world gather", Nishi no Tabi Magazine, 「西の旅」誌 2008 Sep
One-page photo introduction to Chiiori in Iya Valley, Shikoku.

"Okosu!  Chiiki no ashita",「興す!地域の明日」, "Revive!  The future of regional areas", Mainichi Shimbun newspaper, 毎日新聞 2008 September 28
Interviewer: Wakana Hideharu    聞き手:若菜英晴
Double interview with Tanabe Kiyoko (田辺聖子).  Alex Kerr has been appointed a Regional-Strengthening Advisor by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Somusho 総務省) for a project in Ojika town 小値賀町 (Nagasaki Prefecture).

"Koron – Furusato no Fukei Kowasuna",「耕論 ふるさとの風景 壊すな」, "Planting Opinion – 'Don't destroy rural scenery", Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, 朝日新聞 2008 September 21
Interviewer: Yamashita Tsutomu   聞き手:山下努
Four-part article about inbound tourism to Japan, with introduction showing recent growth in inbound tourism; followed by three interviews with Ikeuchi Osamu  池内紀 (travel writer), Hirata Masaki 平田真幸 (head of Shanghai branch of Japan National Tourist Organization JNTO), and Alex Kerr.

"Goto retto hokutan no shimajima de jikkan!,「五島列島北端の島々で実感!」, "Seeing it at the islands north of Goto Retto!", Architectural Journal Magazine, 「建築ジャーナル」誌 2008 September
Interview about the plan to restore old houses and bring sustainable long-term tourism to the island of Ojika (Nagasaki Prefecture)

JREI's Fudosan Chosa (Japan Real Estate Institute's Real Estate Research magazine), "Machiya-zukuri to Keian" 「町づくりと景観」, "Town planning and attractive scenery", ( JREI 、日本不動産研究所)「不動産調査」誌, 2008 August
Published record of a speech given in Osaka on 2007 Oct 30, on town planning, attractive scenery, and the merits of good planning and revival of old buildings from a real estate investment point of view.

NILE'S NILE magazine, "Kabuki Saisei no Hiketsu ha 'Soji' ni ari!" 「歌舞伎再生の秘訣は『掃除』にあり!」, "The secret of reviving Kabuki is 'clean-up'!", 「NILE's NILE」誌, 2008 August
Interviewer: Yoshino Hisashi 吉野久, Photos:  Yoko Shano 社納葉子
Interview about "New Kabuki", and the issues facing the revival of traditional arts in Japan

Kyoto Shimbun Newspaper, "Hito Focus – Utsukushiku Nokotteiru Machi Ikashitai" 「『人』フォーカス、美しく残っている町生かしたい」, "Focus on people – Bringing life to remaining beautiful towns", 京都新聞 2008 Aug 1
Interviewer: Ishida Mayumi 石田真由美
Article about Alex Kerr being appointed a Regional Strengthening Advisor by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Somusho 総務省 for a project in Ojika town 小値賀町, Nagasaki Prefecture

Tokushima Shimbun Newspaper, "Tokushima Keizai Salon, Itte Miru Kai" 「徳島経済サロン、いってみる会」, "Tokushima Economic Salon, Itte Miru Kai", 徳島新聞 2008 Jul 5
Article about speech given at the Oboke Iya Itte Miru Kai 大歩危祖谷行って見る会 (hotelier's association of Iya area) concering sustainable tourism in the Iya area

Yukan Fuji Newspaper, Hikyo de osowatta, Tatazumai no Taisetsusa 秘境で教わった「佇まいの大切さ」.  "Learned in a secret valley:  the importance of just being there."  2008 June 27
Kimura Masao, 木村政雄 .
Article about a visit to Iya Valley and Chiiori, by Kimura Masao of Yoshimoto, Osaka's leading comedy and entertainment producer

"Utsukushiki Mura no Zanzo" 「美しきムラの残像」, "Last Glimpse of Beautiful villages", Kyushu no Mura e Ikou magazine 「九州のムラへ行こう」誌, 2008 June
Interviewer: Editor Yofu Nobuo, 聞き手は「九州のムラへ行こう」編集長・養父信夫
Interview about problems faced by Japan's rural regions, against the background of Alex and Iori's activities at Ojika Island, Nagasaki Prefecture

"Alex Kerr-san ni kiku, Kyoto no Utsukushisa to ha" 「アレックス・カーさんに聞く、京都の美しさとは」, "Asking Alex Kerr: what's the beauty of Kyoto?", Tabisaki magazine 「旅咲き」誌, 2008 June
By Sawada Michiko, photos by Seiichi Suzuki
Interview, with photos of Iori machiya, in issue entitled Kyo no Miyako de, Machiya Kurashi 「京の都で、町家暮らし」"In the old capital of Kyoto, staying in a machiya".

Nishi-Nihon Shimbun, "To preserve Japan's beautiful landscape" 2008 May 19
Article about a speech and visit to historical sites in Fukuoka City, Kyushu

Nihon Keizai Shimbun, "A new wind in the city – bearing the burden of revitalization" 2008 May 11
Interview on machiya and preserving old houses in rural regions

Mini International "Lost in Kyoto" 2008 April
Mini International誌、「Lost in Kyoto, 古都にひたって」
Interview about machiya and development in Kyoto

Nishi-Nihon Shimbun, "Tourism is 'the last hope for rural areas", "Transmitting the appeal of Ojika to the world", 2008 March 17
Articles about a speech given at Ojika 小値賀 Island, off the western coast of Nagasaki Prefecture, and being designated a Tourist Ambassador 観光まちづくり大使 by Ojika Town.

Tokyo Midtown STYLE, "A New Sense of Values 2. JAPAN – radiance to be proud of", 2008 March
Tokyo Midtown STYLE誌、「JAPAN – その誇り高い煌めき」
Interview about traditional and modern Japanese culture, with photographs of IORI machiya

Otona no Kakureyado (Tabi Bijin), "For two – traveling as though you live there","Interview with Alex Kerr, Chairman of IORI", 2008 March
Photo essay about IORI's machiya, with interview

Nohgaku Journal, "Noh is the basis of Japanese culture", 2008 March
Interview about the role of Noh in Japanese culture

Kaho (Takashimaya magazine), "A Japanese … Alex Kerr", 2008 March
Interview about IORI machiya in Kyoto

Mainichi Shimbun newspaper, Kominka Saisei Kanko Shigen ni,  「古民家再生、観光資源に」"Restoration of old houses as a tourist resource", 毎日新聞, 2008 Mar 6
Article about projects on Ojika Island, Nagasaki Prefecture 長崎県小値賀町 to restore old houses and use them as places to welcome tourists to this depopulated and distant region of Japan

Nagasaki Shimbun newspaper, Zanko no Chakai, 「残香の茶会」"Tea Party of Lingering Scent", 長崎新聞, 2008 Feb 22
By Kikumori Atsufumi
An account of a moonlight tea party hosted by Matsura Akira, Daimyo of Hirado 松浦章 and Grand Master of Chinshin-ryu Tea Ceremony 鎮信流宗家

Nihongo monthly, "Special interview: Alex Kerr', 2008 February
月刊日本語、「Special interview: アレックス・カー」
Interview about Dogs and Demons, and activities in Kyoto

Kotsu Shimbun, "Appointment as 'Yokoso! Japan Ambassadors', Land and Transport Ministry – 17 people with successful records inviting foreign visitors to Japan" 2008 January 22
交通新聞、「ようこそ大使任命 国交省 訪日客誘致に実績の17人」
Report on appointment of 17 persons as Yokoso! Japan Ambassadors, presentation ceremony held on 2008 January 18

AERA magazine, Yososan ni naru, "Becoming a local" 「よそさんになる」ニューズウィークAERA誌, 2007 Dec 12
By Hamada Nami 浜田奈美
Article about living and working in Kyoto machiya townhouses

JCER (Japan Center for Economic Research), "International Symposium: Aiming to establish Japan as a tourist destination" 2007 Dec 11
JCER(日本経済研究センター会報)誌、2007年10月19日日本経済新聞主催、「国際シンポ ジウム:観光立国日本を目指すために」。パネリスト:アレックス・カー、船山龍二JTB会長、白幡洋 三郎国際日本文化研究センター教授、 小島明日本経済研究センター会長
Report on a symposium hosted by the Nikkei Shimbun Newspaper on Oct 19, 2007.  Panelists:  Alex Kerr, Funayama Ryuji (Chairman of JTB), Shirahata Yozaburo (Professor at International Research Center for Japanese Culture), Kojima Akira (Chairman of JCER)

Nikkei BP, "Real Japanese" 2007 Dec
『本物の日本人』 日経BP社 清野由美著、藤森武(写真)
Book about Japanese personalities, including one article about Alex Kerr: my life in Japan since coming in 1964, art collecting, Chiiori in Iya Valley (Shikoku), IORI machiya, etc.  By Kiyono Yumi, photos by Fujimori Takeshi

Kenchiku Journal, "Kyoto's culture and tradition" 2007 Dec
Interview about Iori's machiya in Kyoto, and efforts to save regional landscape and old houses

Nuu Bijon Kurabu, "Kyoto's culture and tradition" 2007 Nov 11
Report on a speech given to Paris Miki Eyeglasses group, with speech also given by Paris Miki President Tane Hiroshi

Nihon Keizai Shimbun, "The value of scenery that is 'nothing special',
2007 November 5

Article about the Symposium "Aiming to establish Japan as a tourist destination " sponsored by Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper held on Oct 19, 2007

OZ Magazine, "Kyoto Machiya – Setting out on a voyage to encounter and unveil the artistic sense of the city" 2007 Oct 22
OZ Magazine誌、「京都町家、この街の美意識の発露に出会う旅へ」
Photo essay on IORI's Kyoto machiya restoration projects and "machiya stay"

Shukan Diamond magazine, Shizen hakai ni me wo somukeru 'Utsukushii Nihon' to Nihonjin no Jitsuzo, 「自然破壊に目をそむける、『美しい日本』と日本人の実像」"Looking away from natural destruction, a true picture of 'beautiful Japan' and the Japanese", 週刊ダイヤモンド, 2007 Sep 22
By Harada Yasu 原田泰
Review of Lost Japan (Japanese edition) as reprinted by Asahi Bunko, in the section "Re-reading famous books" 「名著再読」欄

Minka, "I want to join forces to preserve local minka (old houses)" 2007 September
Interview about preservation efforts to save minka (old houses) in rural areas

Jaran Torimakashi, "The place that Japan's inns should aim for from
now on"2007 September

Article in travel magazine Jalan Torimakashi introducing Iori's Kyoto machiya, and a discussion between me and Mr Tajima of "Tenku no Mori" resort in Kyushu

ANA Flight Magazine: Tsubasa no Ohkoku, "Japonism of antiquity found in a mountain cottage" 2007 September
Article in ANA's flight magazine about Iya Valley 祖谷 , Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, and the thatched house Chiiori 篪庵 . By Asahina Chizuru 朝比奈千鶴, photos by Fukuda Emiko 福田栄美子

"Iori", Design Magazine, Shanghai, 2007 July 12
By Andrea Chu
Introduction to Iori machiya townhouses for Chinese readership

Waraku, "Alex Kerr – Living with Calligraphy" 2007 June
和楽、「アレックス・カー 書と暮らす」
Photo essay on my house in Kameoka and calligraphy collection. By Kiyono Yumi 清野由美, photos by Igarashi Kayo 五十嵐佳世

Shinshu Nippo, "A proposal for landscape preservation in Inadani" 2007 Feb 6
Article about a speech made in Iida-shi 飯田市, Nagano Prefecture on landscape preservation

Nikkei Ventures, "The Joy of Seeking" 2006 Dec 1
Feature article about my recent activities, by Kiyono Yuji 清野由美, photographs by Fujimori Takeshi 藤森武 .  One in a monthly series about modern artists and thinkers in Japan.

Keizaijin, "Last Glimpse of Beautiful Japan", 2006 Dec 1
経済人 『美しき日本の残像』
Record of speech given on Sep 6 at Osaka Keidanren's "Culture and Tourism Lecture" 2006年9月6日の大阪関経連「文化・観光講演会」の講演の要旨

Bangkok Shuho, "My Beautiful Japan (1)" 2006 Nov 27
First in a series of interviews with Japan-related people in Bangkok concerning the beautification of Japan.

Gaja, "Shikoku Setouchi Kanko Shinko Kondankai" 2006 Nov 1
GAJA誌「四国・瀬戸内 観光振興懇談会
Article about my keynote speech and symposium concerning Shikoku Tourism, with Tamiyoshi Horikiri, President of Honshu-Shikoku Highway Corporation 堀切民善 本州四国連絡高速道路株式会社 社長, and others

New Vision Club, "A Reminder of Wonderful Japanese Culture" Issue 189,
2006 Nov 1

Article in Paris Miki (international eyeglasses company) publication "New Vision Club" about the traditional Japanese arts program held on Sep 7~8 at the IORI machiya in Kyoto, for executives of Paris Miki Co, and a group of French design students.

Yomiuri Shimbun (International Edition), "'Seeking the Way,' Arts in which dwell spirituality" 2006 Oct 28
Article by Hayashida Hiroaki 林田裕章 .  Interview about Alex's activities in Bangkok, and similarities between Thai and Japanese culture

Mainichi Shimbun, "Last Glimpse of 'Japan' is Here, Kyoto Machiya",
2006 Oct 26

Article about IORI machiya (restored old townhouses) in Kyoto.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun, "Japan's original scenery, Shikoku where dwells human feeling" 2006  Aug 5
Article about symposium sponsored by Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper: "Shikoku's dream 21st century – a journey of heart and nature" 四国観光シンポジウム「夢四国21世紀—心と自然回帰の旅」で基調講演, in Tokyo July 14.  Other speakers were:  Chairman of JTB Funayama Ryuji, JTB 会長; President of Shizuoka Bunka Geijutsu University Kimura Shozaburo, 静岡文化芸術大学学長 木村尚三郎; Editor of Tabi no Techo magazine Naomi Nakamura. 「旅の手帳」編集長 中村直美

The Travel News, article on the old pilgrimage road in Kumano, 2006 Jul 25
"Eco-tourism potential, Future travel and local society", symposium in Kumano-city held on July 16

Travel Journal, Interview: "Selling Japan" 2006 June 19
"Utsukushii nihon" wo do mamoru ka
Interview article about inbound tourism to Japan and preservation of natural and historic beauty

Chugoku Shimbun, "The shape of the harbor, the value of Tomo" 2006 May 1
Article on opposition to the road and bridge planned for Tomonoura harbor in Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima Prefecture

Asahi Shimbun, "Tomo no ura ha minato" 2006 May 1
"Tomonoura ha minato" rikisetsu, Alex Kerr sanra genchi Shisatsu
Article about my inspection visit with Yano Kazuyuki to Tomonoura, Japan's last intact Edo period seaport on the Inland Sea (Hiroshima Prefecture)

Newsweek Japan, 2006 Feb 23
Nihonteki to ha nanika "Turning un-Japanese"
An article about modern Japanese culture, quoting from Alex at the end

Asahi Shimbun, 2006 Feb 22
Hito:  Alex Kerr
Interview article about activities saving machiya in Kyoto

Comments by PM Koizumi on the Foreigners Tourism Committee, 2006 Feb 16
The PM writes about his experience with the Committee in his mail-magazine

Foreigners Tourism Committee meets with PM Koizumi, 2006 Feb 9
Three photos:  Alex, Koizumi, Abe, Kitagawa; Foreign Committee Members; Meeting of Committee

Website of Land and Transport Ministry 国土交通省, 2006 Feb 8
Outline of purposes of Foreign Tourism Committee, on the website of the Land and Transport Ministry

Mainichi Shimbun, 2005 Dec 9
『特集World:  この国はどこに行こうとしているのか』
Tokushu World: Kono Kuni wa Doko ni Ikou to Shite iru no ka?
Interview article about modern Japanese ad their interest in traditional landscape and culture

Nikkei Shimbun , 2005 Dec 3
Machinami Symposium: Risou no Sumai Susumu Paradigm Shift
Panel discussion on the state of Japanese housing

Kyoto Shimbun, 2005 May 31
京町家 日本文化 体感空間に
Kyo Machiya Nihon-bunka Taikan Kukan ni
Article about Origin Art Program at Iori Machiya in Kyoto.

Machi wo hokoru kimochi motto, 2005 March 31
Take more pride in your city, Kyoto Shimbun newspaper 京都新聞
Front page interview about Kyoto and its revival

Opinion – Toki no Hito 「Opinon – 時の人 」, "Opinion – Man of the moment" , Birejji Magazine「びれっじ」誌, 2004 July
Interview with Alex at his home in Tenmangu, Kameoka; disucssion of importance of preserving traditional culture and natural environment.

Ecotourism, "Is it possible to revive 'Beautiful Japan'?" 2004 Feb 25
Interview by Kobayashi Tenshin 小林天心

Kyoto it! (KBS Kyoto), "Japanese no longer know Japan's true beauty" 2004 Feb
Kyoto it! (KBS京都)、「日本人は本当の日本の美しさを知らない」
Interview in KBS Kyoto's town magazine

Ishihara Chiji Shisei Hoshin, 2003 Dec 2
Ishihara chiji shisei hoshin
Comments on two occasions by Ishihara Shintaro, Governor of Tokyo concerning Dogs and Demons:  Once at a press conference, and the second time in his internet statement of purpose.

Ishihara Shintaro Tokyo-to Chiji Kisha Kaiken, 2003 Oct 17
Ishihara Shintaro Tokyo-to Chiji Kisha Kaiken
Press Conference by Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro, Mentioning Dogs and Demons

Kyoto Shimbun, "Ideals of Kameoka sensed in history and greenery" 2003 June 8
Article about my activities in Kameoka and Kyoto

Sekai no kanko chizu kara ochita sekinin ishiki wo mazu motsu koto, 2002 Oct 14
The need to be conscious and feel responsibility for Japan's having fallen off the world tourist map, Travel Journal トラベルジャーナル
Interview about tourism and its problems

"Rippa na nihonjin" ga "dame na nihon" wo tsukuru, 2002 Jul 29
"Great Japanese" are creating a "Bad Japan"
Inose Naoki 猪瀬直樹 and Alex Kerr, President プレジデント誌
Dialogue with journalist and reformer Inose Naoki on the eve of his selection by Prime Minister Koizumi to be on the road reform panel

Naze nihon ha konna ni ochikonde shimatta no desuka?, 2002 Jun
「なぜ日本はこんなに 落ち込んでしまったのですか?」
Why did Japan fall this far? (By Ohno Kazuki  大野和基 Playboy Japan)
Article about Dogs and Demons 『犬と鬼』, Japanese edition

Boku no Kokoro ni tomoru "bi" no in'ei, 2002 Feb
Shadows from the "beauty" burning in my heart
Tsuhan Seikatsu magazine 通販生活
Special new year feature, showing Tenmangu and Chiiori

Watakushi no togenkyo "chiiori" nite, Suppin Tokushima, 1999 Dec
At home at my Shangrila "Chiiori"
Suppin Tokushima すっぴん徳島
Articles published as part of Tokushima Prefecture's "Prefectural Ambassador" campaign.

Alex Kerr san to kangaeru "kankaku" ni shitagau kofuku, 1995 Nov
Thinking with Alex Kerr about happiness in trusting our feelings
Fujingaho magazine 婦人画報
Interview article.

Shiba Ryotaro, 1995 Jul
Talk with the protector of Japanese beauty who came from America
Dialogue with  writer and historian Shiba Ryotaro 司馬遼太郎, in his collection of nine interviews: Kokonotsu no Mondo 九つの問答, published by Asahi Bungei Bunko 朝日文芸文庫

Shirasu Masako + Alex Kerr: Honmono to ha nandaro?, 1995 Feb
What is Real?  Alex Kerr & Shirasu Masako  Geijutsu Shincho 芸術新潮
Cover feature with essayist and collector Shirasu Masako

Bunjin no Gokuraku 「文人の極楽」, 1994 Aug
Paradise of the Literati Esquire エスクァイアー日本版
Feature article with Hosomi Minoru, art collector and connoisseur


