Selected Articles by Alex Kerr (Japanese)
Miki kuchitemo eda ga sakaeru omoshirosa 「幹朽ちても枝が栄える面白さ」ニューズウィーク(日本)Newsweek Japan, 2007 Oct 17 "The interest of thriving branches on a withering trunk" Op-ed piece in Newsweek Japan's cover issue of Oct 17, 2007, on "100 Japanese respected by the world" 「世界が尊敬する日本人100人」
Isamu Noguchi ga Tadori-tsuita Mure イサムノグチがたどりついた牟礼、日本の石との出会い, 2004 Nov Conversation with stone mason Izumi Masatoshi, Isamu Noguchi's partner Published in November 2004, Izumi Masatoshi and I talk about Isamu Noguchi's discovery, late in his life, of the intrinsic quality of stone
Fuben no kami ga mamotta Sho-uchu 「不便の神」が守った小宇宙, Newsweek Japan, 2003 Dec 12 Microcosms protected by the "god of inconvenience" This essay, published in Newsweek Japan, Dec 12, 2003 describes two favorite places outside of Kyoto: Joruri-ji and Entsuji.
Nihon no Bi, Hyakunen no Zanzo 日本の美、百年の残像, Shincho 45, 1996 May Eight great interpreters of the Japanese tradition in the last century This essay, published in Shincho 45, May 1996, sums up my thoughts about change, interpretation, and the passing of the Japanese cultural tradition over the last century.
Kodoku de Jun na Hito 孤独で純な人, Dance Magazine, 1995 Jul 15 Kabuki actor Bando Tamasaburo This essay, published in Dance Magazine July 15, 1995, is an appreciation of the talent of Kabuki actor Bando Tamasaburo
Fusho Rokki 浮生六記, Shinchosha's bibliophile Magazine, 1994 Jul Six Records of a Floating Life This essay, published in Shinchosha's bibliophile magazine Nami in July 1994, is a song in praise of the remarkable Chinese book Fusheng Liuji "Six Records of a Floating Life," which has long been one of my favorite works of literature.